Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Strange Catches: Bass Fisherman Catches Otter

California pro Skeet Reese was asked to name the
strangest thing he’d ever caught while bass fishing. “An otter,” he
replied. “It was February in Clear Lake and I was throwing a jerkbait. I
saw a little bubble trail underneath the water, and I thought it was a carp or
something stirring up the bottom. I threw over there, jerked it a couple
of times and paused the bait. All of a sudden my line took off, and I thought
I had a good one. Then this thing came jumping out of the water, and it
scared the ever-loving daylights out of me. I had no idea. I just saw big eyes
and teeth and a tail. It freaked me out.”

Fortunately, the otter dislodged the hooks. “Thank goodness because there
was no way I was touching that thing,” Reese said.

What about you? Catch anything weird?

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