Angler An obsessed individual who owns a house that is falling down due to neglect, a truck whose color can best be described as Rust-Oleum, and a pristine boat that he chamois' down methodically before and after each trip.
Knot (1) An insecure connection between your hook and fishing line. (2) A permanent tangle on your spinning reel which forces you to go out and buy a bigger, better, much more expensive rig.
Landing Net A net used to help drag a large wiggling fish, or an inebriated fishing buddy, on board.
Live Bait The biggest fish you'll handle all day.
Quiet Water Your surroundings after you stop cursing your bad luck and fall asleep at the reel.
Skunked fisherman One who returns to the boat ramp many, many hours after his buddies have gone home so that there are no witnesses to his catch or lack thereor.
Sinker (1) A weight attached to a lure to get it to the bottom. (2) The nickname of your boat.
Thumb A temporary hook holder.
Treble Hook Triples the odds of your catching a fish. Quadruples the odds of your getting the hook caught in your thumb (see above).
Trolling What you do after you've lost a $500 rod and reel set-up overboard.
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