Monday, May 29, 2006

Fish Bites Man

SAN DIEGO -- A fisherman got an unpleasant surprise Thursday when a fish caught in the San Diego Bay tried to bite him.

The unusual-looking fish had fangs and bulging eyes, said fisherman Michael Wilkins.

"I had a hard time getting the hook out of his mouth; he was trying to bite me," Wilkins said. "I thought I caught a catfish in salt water, and, as I pulled him up, I saw he had teeth. I kind of flipped out because I didn't know what type of fish it was."

The Department of Fish and Game said the fish is a speckle fin mid-shipman. It is usually found in the waters between Santa Barbara and southern Baja California.

The speckle fin mid-shipman are more active at night and have photo phores, which enable them to glow. They are also known for making humming or grunting noises.

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