Wednesday, July 20, 2005

57 T-Bird with Blue Hawaiian Plates

We had this friend in college named Lloyd who used to try to order a drink called a "57 Chevy with Blue Hawaiian Plates" every time we went out. Of course no bartender or waitress had ever heard of it. It was probably some special house drink of some local bar back home in Florida. Like did he even know what was in it? No,of course not. Besides if you have to give the recipe to the bartender it kind of spoils the experience anyway. Lloyd was always doing crazy things. He was a bit like Kramer on Seinfeld. If it wasn't watching the rats in the dumpster 13 floors below his dorm room with binoculars he was hatching up some crazy idea or another. Next time I'm down at the Dry Dock in Southwest Harbor maybe I'll ask Jeanine for a "7 Chevy with Blue Hawaiian Plates" as a tribute to goofy Lloyd. I wonder what every happened to him...

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