Monday, February 13, 2006

Flying Karamazov Brothers

We braved the Blizzard of Feb 2006 to see the Flying Karamazov Brothers new show LIFE, A Guide for the Perplexed. It was excellent and I'm glad we made the two and half hour white knuckler drive. How often do you get so see a man juggle a boiled lobster, a vintage oak toliet seat (two piece) and a half frozen milk jug of water with baby oil poured on it?

At one point in each performance the Bros ask for objects from the audience and then the audience picks the items for "The Champ" to juggle. I thought the jug with baby oil poured on it was a bit too much from some manic audience member. Felt a bit cruel but the Bros went with it anyway and the champ did manage to juggle the items for a bit before the toliet seat crashed to the floor and split in two and the Champ accidently stepped on the lobster. Only in Maine would someone bring a boilded lobster to a juggling show and only in Maine would the audience NOT get upset by its use on stage. Bugs be bugs. -- Ed

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