Sunday, March 13, 2005

Ice Fishing Shanty + Art Gallery = Art Shanty

Hey, you know visually it gets rather boring out there on the frozen water. Some artists out in Minnesota haven't hibernated this winter, rather they've dotted the blank canvas that is frozen Medicine Lake with artistically concocted "Art Shanties". Good art challenges both the eye and conventional thought and to the fishermen who lumbered out of their winter fishing dwelling to see the artists sculptures on the frozen landscape. Maybe someday we can get a Maine Art Shanty project going? Although they are tough around here when it comes to artists and the lakes since most on the island (MDI) are public water supplies. -- Ed

The Art Shanty Project (ice fishing shanty + art gallery = Art Shanty) features thirty-seven courageous artists, who will brave the Minnesota cold to build Art Shanties, present exhibitions, performances, and activities on the frozen waters of Medicine Lake. These offerings will help anyone suffering from cabin fever or art withdrawal to survive the winter.

For pictures and more info: - MPR - The artists homepage - "Shanty for the Chic" article

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